PABMB young scientist award

PABMB support to Young Scientists to attend Scientific Meetings,
Courses and Workshops
PABMB provides grants to members of PABMB Constituent and Adherent Societies to assist attendance of young scientists at meetings, courses and workshops on timely scientific topics in biochemistry, molecular biology and related bioscience areas. Special funds of up to US$ 2,000 are available for each activity.
Preference will be given to requests aimed at supporting the attendance of young scientists who do not reside in the country whose Society is promoting the event.
NOTE: Applications submitted directly by the candidate (young scientist) are not eligible.
Young scientists refer to PhD students and postdoctoral fellows within 2 years of obtaining a PhD degree, members of any PABMB society.
Courses refer to Lecture plus Practical courses of one- to two-week duration.
Workshops and meetings refer to events focused on particular subjects of specific interest of the attendee.
Organizers will receive the PABMB grant into a bank account of their choice from the PABMB Treasurer after returning the originally signed contract to the PABMB Treasury.
Application Guidelines – Courses and Workshops
Organizers have to complete the appropriate Young Scientists Application Form, which can be downloaded from the PABMB homepage (Application Forms).
The application must be filled in and sent to the Secretary General Prof. Alicia Gonzalez Manjarrez (amanjarr@ifc.unam.mx).
Applications should be submitted by the event organizer, member of one of the PABMB societies, before June 1st for meetings to be held during January-June of the following year, and before December 1st for meetings to be held during July-December of the following year. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their requests within one month of each deadline. The event organizer will be responsible for the selection of the support recipients.
Any and all communication with the PABMB office will only be through the main responsible organizer.